I have been asked to supply the Serial No of the tanks I have found.
As text takes a lot of space which I no longer have, I will list the one's I have NOT found and will not include the prefix of 169 which all Australian Centurions had.
There were 142 Centurions including the 4 Bridgelayers---But there are two 169080 one the original damaged shell setup at Puckapunyal Tank museum and the second is the rebuilt hull holding ground at Bandiana's old 4 base workshops site. So we in fact have 143 Cents and just 19 to find so at this time I have located 124.
This was an original set up on the replacement hulls brought from Hong Kong The right hand side bin held the windscreen.
The windscreen fittings and the lay down supports can be seen, upper left.
This is 169069 and it was driven by John Dyson
When first sent to Vietnam they had this setup, note side plates. There were four lights, two white light and two IR (Infra Red) They were soon wiped off.
When in Vietnam the Centurions had two road wheels fitted to the front Glacis plate. They went over with a few different set up's but were soon changed to the two road wheel set up as it gave more front protection.
This is 169017 at Palmerston Darwin, showing the standard set up after the road wheels were fitted
But when driving closed down the drivers view was obstructed and so the road wheel under the drivers scopes was removed and replaced with a track link in some cases, as below.
This shows the fittings with the windscreen bin removed and a road wheel fitted, this has not had the up-armoured glacis plate fitted
Here we see two track links fitted to an up-armoured glacis plate. It looks like it was done after it was painted as the serial number 169134 is obscured
On 169012 you can see where the weld marks for this modification was done, then later the road wheel was replaced in the original position.
Unknown Tank at the Horseshoe (I think)
As many drivers liked the extra protection of the second road wheel they had them refitted but dropped down a few inches so to give a clear view.
Now for a look at 169126
169126 seen here in a parade by the NSW LANCERS
Being inspected on arrival at the Museum, with engine and transmission covers opened and Radiators raised
Being steam cleaned before painting
Note the cut away guards
On display at the NSW Lancers museum on an open day
Lets have a look at 169129
This Centurion belongs to Matt McMahon in NSW
Arriving home and looking good
Complete with IR Light she looks very straight
Just having a closer look, no sign of the 100-gallon tank or fittings
Fuel her up- an expensive item
Fast run across the paddock- she has the IR light cage and "B" Barrel
Its a tight fit in the shed with the other toys, note the Bren Gun Carrier- Matt has two of them as well Plus another Tank
Fitting another motor
In it goes, Matt says its not a hard job!!!
Waiting in the main street of Oberon NSW to take part in a parade
A quick run through the pine plantation-- another blue sky view for the driver